Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Live or Die attitude

Remember my pledge to plant a seed and walk away? After nuturing seeds indoors only to produce weak plants, I decided to plant my seeds outside in the garden and walk away. Well, look what I found this morning.
Look ....Tomatoes! (I bought this one...shhh)
However, I also found my poor new hydrangea in this condition. CAN SHE BE SAVED? We'll see. (Water must not be omitted in the walking away part.....PLANTS NEED WATER.)
Finally...I can't believe that we have been in our new house for nearly 3 years! The front shrubs finally look like they are filling in.

1 comment:

  1. I did the same thing, planted seeds indoors, watered them everyday, only to have them die on me. Planted them outdoors and viola! My zucchini, squash and collards all started coming up this week! I guess all the rain has helped some... I was very excited to see them coming up and looking much better than the ones indoors did!
