Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy....the big 3-0!

We had a big birthday weekend for Jason. Saturday we went to the Zoo. We had a fabulous time, the animals were wild! I forgot the camera. Then Sunday, we had a cookout at my mom's, I made a banana pudding, and we all sang "Happy Birthday." I forgot the camera. Then Monday, Labor day, we went to Cheaha. I remembered the camera, but these are not our best moments...hehe. Happy Birthday Daddy! We had a great weekend and I hope you had fun! We love you and we'll always REMEMBER how special it

From 9-7-09

From 9-7-09
I think we waited too long to take away Ella's paci. It's a permanent fixture now. We were going to let her throw it off the mountain, it wasn't happenin'. This picture cracks me up.
From 9-7-09

From 9-7-09

From 9-7-09

Note to all Daddy's: Please remember that a paci is not clean until both sides have been washed! Running the bulb under hot water, just won't do it. If it wasn't clean before, it is now!


  1. love those pics especially the video! is she cutting teeth again?

  2. That third picture looks kinda scary... like they're gonna fall off the mountain or something. Were they on the edge? please tell me they weren't, and it just looked that way! Or maybe there was a guard rail that we just can't see!!!
